Attendee Spotlight: Jim Bettinger from JSK — John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford

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Attendee Spotlight is:

Jim Bettinger who's blog is JSK — John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford

What do you hope to experience at BWB 2013?

Continued insights into current trends, as well as spread the word about the program I run, the John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford.

Are there specific types of bloggers you are interested in connecting with at the conference?

I'm particularly interested in connecting with bloggers who have an interest in the challenges facing journalism, and who want to help meet those challenges.

Do you have something to offer bloggers to help them take their blogging to the next level?

I have a lot of experience working with journalists and journalism entrepreneurs who are working to invent and re-invent themselves.

Welcome back to BWB !