Conference Session: Blogger Rights - Presented by Kit Walsh Staff Attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Every day we read new stories about bloggers facing looming legal threats: civil and criminal. That’s why I’m proud to announce that this year’s Legal Issues session at the 2015 Blogging While Brown conference will be presented by someone who is on the the front lines of litigation and policy protecting bloggers’ rights.

Kit Walsh is a Staff Attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation(, a non-profit advocacy organization that makes sure your civil liberties stay with you when you go online.  The EFF has published the Legal Guide for Bloggers as part of their Bloggers' Rights project.

Kit specializes in free speech and copyright law, and has represented numerous journalists, activists, and researchers in order to ensure that their voices can be
heard even when powerful adversaries would prefer their silence. She has previously taught Internet law at Harvard Law School, providing free legal services to the public through Harvard's Cyberlaw Clinic. Her twitter handle is @neurokit.

This is Our Liveliest Session Every Year - Hear it Live
Every year, the Legal Issues session is filled with the most questions. You need to be there live so you can interact with Kit and hear about the legal issues other bloggers are struggling with. Register for Blogging While Brown 2015 and maximize your important voice without worrying about the cloud of legal liability.