Attendee Spotlight: Dr. Drai - OBGYN & Media Personality by Dr. Drai

Our Attendee Spotlight is:

Dr. Drai - OBGYN & Media Personality by Dr. Drai

What do you hope to experience at Blogging While Brown 2014? 

I hope to connect with other bloggers who are passionate about sharing information, especially those with a keen interest in topics that impact women and transgender individuals. I am a physician who believes in the marriage of media and medicine.    

Why did you decide to start a blog?

I believe in the marriage of media and medicine. Although I have 8 offices, there are still people in the world who don't visit the doctor for a number of reasons. Blogging allows me to reach people where they are in life. No judgement.    .    

When People Come To Your Blog What Will They Find?

They will find "real" advice on a variety of health topics, such as "Why Women Shouldn't Take Bubble Baths" and "Why Men Should Keep Their Underwear on During Sex." No topic is off limits on      

Who are your blogging heroes?

I'm inspired by those with the least resources and access to affordable healthcare. It's why I became a doctor. It's all about reaching back. No matter your profession, we can all reach back.       

Do you need something from your fellow bloggers to take your blogging to the next level?

I'm interested in sharing and providing health content.    

What do you have to offer blogger to take them to the next level?

I am always open to sharing medical knowledge and advice - whether it be in the form of an expert opinion for a piece you're writing or through written and video content for your site visitors to enjoy. 

What are your top tips for bloggers?

Make sure you're connecting with your audience. When I write, I try to stay current and relevant.    

Where do you see you and your blog in 5 years?

I hope to create a national brand and powerhouse. I hope 'Dr. Drai' becomes a household name and trusted source for medical knowledge and advice.


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