Attendee Spotlight: Weed Pterodactyl from Weed Pterodactyl — Blogging While Brown

Attendee Spotlight: Weed Pterodactyl from Weed Pterodactyl

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Our Attendee Spotlight is:

Weed Pterodactyl who's blog is Weed Pterodactyl

What do you hope to experience at BWB 2013?

Meet and network with internet savvy folks.

Why did you decide to start a blog?

Express my opinions.

Are there specific types of bloggers you are interested in connecting with at the conference?

Independent minded folks with Own opinions.

What are your top blogging tips for other bloggers?

Drive and target your traffic.

Where do you see you and your blog in 5 years?

Turned into a cartoon, cartoon strip, webisodes.

Do you need something from your fellow bloggers to take your blogging to the next level?


Do you have something to offer bloggers to help them take their blogging to the next level?

Better marketing online.

Welcome back to BWB !