Blogging While Brown Founder Speaks at Santa Clara University School of Law.

Gina McCauley, the founder of Blogging While Brown will speak at Santa Clara University School of Law on Friday, February ​22, 2013.  She will be speaking on the following panel at 10:15.

Transforming Lives with Tech (starting at 10:15am): Innovators are now finding ways to serve public interest and social justice legal issues with technology. For example, in January 2011, when Egypt shut down Internet access, citizens in the midst of a political crisis were able to provide Twitter updates. Today, ordinary citizens, politicians and entrepreneurs are expanding the use of mobile technology to close the digital divide and widen access to life-changing opportunities. This panel will discuss some new technology slated to solve such social justice issues, as well as some of the accompanying legal concerns.

Speakers for the Transforming Lives With Tech panel:

  • Marina C. Hsieh: Santa Clara University School of Law, Senior Fellow (Moderator)
  • Gina McCauley: Blogging While Brown, Owner
  • Elizabeth Sweeny: Santa Clara University, Frugal Innovation Lab Program Manager
  • Michael McGeary: Engine Advocacy, Co-Founder and Chief Political Strategist; Hattery Labs, Strategist
  • Steve Wright: Grameen Foundation, VP Poverty Tools and Insight

She will be citing the following references:

Malcolm Gladwell - Why the Revolution Will not be Tweeted - The New Yorke

Problems Arise as Blacks Pass Whites on the Mobile Digital Divide - News On

The Power of Mobile - The Pew Cente

The State of the African American Consumer- Nielsen and the National Newspaper Association. ​

Really? IBM Predicts the End of the Digital Divide- CN

Participatory Culture - Wikipedi

17% of cell phone owners do most of their online browsing on their phone, rather than a computer or other device  - Pew Center